Cloud Engines, Inc, unveiled their new PogoPlug Pro, the latest version of the multimedia sharing device. This new version is colored in black with a nice hardware refresh as well.

Pogoplug allows users to easily and securely access, share and stream their media content from anywhere without uploading. The Pogoplug device provides a way to connect your external USB drives and other devices to your network and then access content on those devices over the web. They also provide apps for iPhone, Android, iPad, BlackBerry and Palm as well.

This hardware refresh provides users of the new Pogoplug Pro all features of the second generation Pogoplug including the ability to connect up to four USB drives and print from any mobile device. The Pro adds built-in wireless connectivity along with a nice, new non-pink color. You can purchase the Pogoplug Pro at Best Buy stores and online for $99.
I use one of the first generation Pogoplugs along with a few hard drives that no longer “fit” in my HTPC server. It’s a great solution for my use and it just works.