In the snapstream forums, there have been lots of ideas on how to improve the couchville site:
- Integrate with BTV ASAP and replace
- Multiple Inputs (if you have different lineups etc)
- Add more community-based stuff that lends itself to user blogs etc.
- Make the BTVBuzz more usefull - feeds etc. Add ability for BTV users to see and use their own tv show rss feeds - listing of shows recorded, shows to be recorded etc.
- Some day integrate with online video sources like joost and others
- Its own forums, tv blog, links to wiki's etc. - think or
- Share your profile of favorite shows or top ranked shows etc like used to.
- Show ranking similar to TVTome
- community forums and more database linking
- Mobile Version to work with phones, PDA's etc.
- Series and episode info
- Notices of upcoming pilot episodes & new seasons starting
- Ability to use the PC Mouse wheel to scroll up and down on the guide
- Scroll bar support
- Needs the features of for filtering by channel, type, etc
- Pay Per View data
You can check out the site at
Here's a screen-shot of the site: