Below is a quick summary of the past week's news and stories on GeekTonic.
- PopcornHour C200 Preview and First Look – The new Popcorn Hour C200 Media Player has arrived at GeekTonic and the review is in the works. Check out the first photos.
- Media Keyboard Review: Vidabox Premium Wireless Keyboard Redux – The latest version of the wireless RF keyboard from Vidabox gets reviewed.
- Getting The Lost Symbol on Kindle – Instantly and Cheaper – I picked up Dan Brown’s latest novel “The Lost Symbol” with the Kindle. And it arrived the moment it was available for cheaper than you can get it in bookstores.
- Review the New TV Premieres on the Seen In HD Podcast – I joined the “Seen in HD” podcast crew where we reviewed the new and returning TV premieres for the Fall 2009 TV season.
- Boxee Apps Update – More new Boxee apps
- DVRMS Toolbox Early Access Version Updates – 2 recent updates the the popular HTPC app – DVRMS Toolbox
- MeediOS Gets Evolution Theme – Check out the new theme for Meedios
- TV Premieres: What to Watch 09/13 – 09/20
Stay tuned for a giveaway or two in the coming week as well as more in-depth content for Media Gadget Fans at