Friday, January 19, 2007

How to make network cables

To expand my home network for the various HTPC projects I've worked on I purchased a large roll of cat6 cable and some connectors. This site has a good tutorial on how to connect the connectors on the cables and properly set up the network wiring.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Speed up Internet Explorer

Thanks to for the tip
Internet Explorer performance is greatly dependent in part on the number of simultaneous connections that can be made for a current page. By default, the value is 4. This means only a maximum of 4 simultaneous connectons will be made per server.

Start > Run > Regedit
Key: Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Internet Settings
Name: MaxConnections PerServer
Value: 10 (Decimal)
Name: MaxConnections Per1_0Server
Value: 10 (decimal)

If these keys dont already exist, create them by doing the following:
  1. Make one DWORD value [Right click, New> DWORD Value] and name it "MaxConnections Per1_0Server" then put 10 under decimal value
  2. Make a second DWORD value [Right click, New> DWORD Value] and name it "MaxConnections PerServer" then put 10 under decimal value

That's it. It should help out on Internet Explorer speed - especially for certain web applications. Another alternative would be to use Firefox. Firefox is a better web browser anyway.

How to use a second wrt54g router as a Access Point (WAP)

I have a second wrt54g wireless router that I want to use as a WAP and not a router. Here's how to do it:

NOTE: I have updated these instructions in more detail and re-posted them in THIS POST. Please check out the updated instructions. Thanks!