Earlier this month I wrote a post on How to find legal, full episodes of TV shows online. In that article I found several sources that aggregate TV shows that are available online including from the TV Networks sites as well as some of the for-pay sites like Netflix, Itunes and Amazon Unbox. One of the main themes in the story was that I was looking for legal episodes and not the ones that were being "pirated" using torrents and such.
Today, on the makeuseof blog - a blog I read daily by Aibek- There is a good read on 7 excellent destinations to watch TV shows for free. There are some really good, up-to-date sites he highlights that aggregate the listings, and then show the show in a single streaming player. I was amazed at the available content and realized that my favorite of the sites he mentions, TV-Links uses Veoh to stream the shows. It looks like Veoh uses P2P technology for streaming. Some of the episodes are in very good quality and others are just passable. I checked out an episode of "House" that had Japanese (or some asian language) subtitles.
My question on all of this is this. Are these legal? The listing includes every episode of the HBO series "Rome" and I kind of doubt HBO is okay with those episodes being streamed. What do you guys think?
By the way, Aibek has created a MOVIES and TV SHOWS Search engine using Google Co-op. It is a custome google-powered search engine that searches all of the 'free-to-stream' movie and tv show sources he listed. It's pretty good so you should check this out too.