Thursday, May 21, 2009

D-Link Sticking with MediaCenter Extenders

D-Link DSM 750 MediaCenter Extender

Quick note related to all of the Microsoft MediaCenter banter going on lately.  As Linksys and HP have dropped out of the MediaCenter extender market, D-Link has confirmed that they plan to continue selling their D-Link DSM-750 media center extender solution.  I confirmed this with a representative of D-Link yesterday:

"D-Link has no current plans to drop support for the MS MediaCenter platform, and will continue selling the DSM-750 as a media extender solution to the home network environment."

Even though they didn't exactly say much about any future plans, it's good to know there is at least one 3rd party company sticking with MediaCenter extenders for now - even if it is a "bit" on the pricey side at around $270


Do any of you own one of these DSM-750's?  If so, how do you like it?