Well that didn’t take long. Kindle’s first move after Barnes & Noble Nook announcement is to drop the cost of the “international” Kindle to match the Kindle 2 price of $259. It only makes sense to make the two the same price and honestly they should just make one Kindle 2 that does it all anyway. Not really a positive for Sprint since the international version sports an AT&T radio instead of the Sprint radio.
I expect to see more of a response from Amazon in the next few months – more price drops and probably features to match the Nook’s current advantage. Don’t expect much though until Amazon see’s how the Nook really compares in real life. But if the Nook reviews are on the positive side Kindle will definitely have some responding to do.
So Kindle Pricing now looks like this:
Kindle Wireless 6” (aka Kindle 2) $259
Kindle Wireless 6” Intl $279 Now $259
Kindle DX 9.7” $489
And Barnes & Noble’s Nook sells for $259