Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Media Center Mobile with Simple.tv

The Home Theater PC software I use, SageTV has built-in capability to transcode TV recordings and some movies to other media formats including iOS and android-friendly formats so you can take them with you so-to-speak.  There is now an app for Windows MediaCenter app that lets you do the same thing for your MediaCenter program!


Damian at MediaSmartServer.net has a great review of the new simple.tv program.  here’s what Damian has to say about simple.tv:

Simple.tv takes your Windows Media Center recordings (DVR-MS and WTV) and converts them to H.264 mp4. It can then allow you to watch your converted recordings over the internet or even serve them up as podcasts to iTunes. simple.tv aims to do what the name implies, simplify the process of making your Windows Media Center recordings mobile. Let’s take a closer look at and see if it accomplishes its goal.

As always, Damian goes into plenty of detail for those interested.  Check it out at MediaSmartServer.net