I had a great response to my last Joost Invites "raffle" and now have some more Joost Invites to give out. Add a comment to this thread and include your name (the name I'll put in the invite form); e-mail (put it like myname @ hotmail . com or if you are a blogger user, I can contact you that way. I'll announce the winners Monday night, April 30 before 10pm.
If you want to read more about Joost on this site CLICK HERE
I also recently did a write-up on four newer video, search engines that will search for video content including Joost and Network TV shows. More on that HERE
Mike McGuff has a mini-review of Joost and is giving away some invites on his blog also HERE
UPDATE 4/30/2007: Congrats to James, Patrick, & Aaron. They won the Joost invites this round.
UPDATE: 5/1/2007 I am again giving away Joost Invites. Click HERE