Gallery2 is an free, open source, PHP web-based photo album organizer for those wanting full control over their photos on their own server. Gallery2 gives you an unique way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website or blog whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site. The free program includes support for uploads, various picture formats, and even voting on submitted galleries.
After installation, you will notice a vast array of customization options including:
- For the visitor experience you can set up short urls's, choose full or resized images, print photos, search by keyword, read exif info, commenting, polling, customized slide shows and more
- You can set up Gallery to view info in the pictures from digital cameras & auto-rotate them as needed.
- Customize account permissions so you control what visitors can or can't do with your photos
- Set up a purchase feature where visitors can purchase your images via paypal.
- You can limit the quality & size of images so it will auto-resize your uploaded photos to save space.
- You can customize the main Gallery page to look the way you want it to. Show or hide the album tree, search engine, album owner etc.
- Choose the languages you want the Gallery to support
- E-mail support so it can e-mail users when their accounts are created or when they forget their password, e-mail a group of people when a new photo is added etc.
- Set up a Gallery-wide slideshow
- Turn on and configure commenting
- Customized logging of visitors
- Publish your Galery with RSS
- Uploading photos is customizable
- You can mirror your photos albums on multiple servers to manage bandwidth as well as backup of photos
The possibilities are nearly endless.

Here are some examples of Gallery2 in action:
If you are a photographer and you're looking for way to show your images on the web with the upmost control and cusomization, look no further then Gallery 2. And if you are a hobbiest who wants to roll your own flickr-type site for your photos, Gallery2 is certainly an application worth checking out.
Read More & Download at the Gallery2 Website
Read More about Photo Stuff or Flickr