Sunday, February 15, 2009

Free Song Sunday - Amazon Free Music MP3s

Without Question, my favorite place to get MP3 downloads is Amazon MP3.  It's been DRM-free since the beginning, has a great selection and integrates with the iPod iTunes app as well as most other MP3 players. 

For the past several weeks, I've been watching Amazon MP3 for any free MP3's and thought I'd begin sharing those with GeekTonic readers.  A great way to sample new music for free so you can fill up those Media Center computers and portable music players.

Amazon MP3

You can browse and preview all songs right from your browser - no special program or iTunes required.


Here's a few of my favorites from the free MP3 Amazon selection this week:


I won't presume to know your musical taste, so feel free to browse the full list of free MP3s on your own.  Can't beat the price of free ;)

For the complete listing of free, MP3's available on Amazon, follow this link