Sunday, November 01, 2009

Month in Review – October 2009


October 2009 turned out to be the biggest month (by a large margin!) ever at GeekTonic in terms of pageviews and number of readers – thanks to all of you for frequenting GeekTonic!  Thanks to an increasing readership, I’m working on a few things to improve the effectiveness of advertising so that I can offer even more giveaways and nice reviews for the readers.
GeekTonic continues on a steady diet of HTPC and media-tech goodness.  Thanks to you, the readers for reading - I will continue working hard to bring you the content you came here for!

To wrap up October 2009 I wanted to share the most popular posts (as measured by Google Analytics) of the month:


    Other Content from past months on the Most Popular List include:

    More coming soon. 


    Nine Ways to Get More out of GeekTonic – a FAQ for New Readers

    1. Subscribe by email or RSS. Visiting GeekTonic’s website is great, but for many people, it’s more convenient to receive the articles in another form. It’s easy to join thousands of other subscribers and get GeekTonic by e-mail or in your RSS Reader.
    2. Comment.  Engage in the conversation.  I read each and every comment and enjoy the discussion.  Every article is open for comments so don’t be shy
    3. Follow me on Twitter – I go by GeekTonic on Twitter and when you follow me you hear my thoughts on tech as well as a few other topics.  I also post links to other interesting things I come across on the web that don’t make it to
    4. Send me your questions and suggestions.  If you send me an e-mail and let me know what your thinking, things you’d like for me to cover or questions you have I’ll do my best to answer them.  You’ll also find me on the SageTV forums, AVSForums, Snapstream forums, forums, forums and other places as well.
    5. Consider doing a guest post on GeekTonic.  If you would like to share with others in the community, consider writing up a guest post.  I’ll edit it if needed and add it to the article queue to share with GeekTonic readers.  This year for the first time I’m rewarding a select group of those guest bloggers at the end of each year as well with a little “guest blogger” contest for anyone who contributed during the year..
    6. Tell your friends – e-mail articles you find interesting on GeekTonic, tweet the post or your comment or just tell them about GeekTonic.