The GeekTonic Nook First look will be posted by the end of today with lots of photos, a short video and my first take. Soon after I’ll be taking a look at how it handles PDF’s as well as a few other popular questions I’ve received from readers.
In the meantime let me know in the comments what you want to know about the nook and I’ll be sure to answer your questions where possible. The best reviews of the Nook eBook Reader are as follows in order of my preferred reviews:
- Technologizer – Harry McCraken does the review the way I like it – lots of detail and true analysis. Definitely the best review in terms of detail
- Engadget – A fairly balance review with a nice, brief video of it in action.
- SlashGear – A long video with good shots of the removable battery
- Gizmodo – Another good review by the Gizmodo team
Now if you’re one waiting for your preorder to arrive this stuff is pretty interesting. If you’re on the fence about what to buy, all of these reviews left a little “wait and see how the firmware update fixes things” taste in the mouth. Stay tuned for a lot more later today.