Thursday, May 13, 2010

8-bit Super Mushroom HTPC Case Mod

I’m on a bit of a HTPC case-mod kick this week.  After spying the Nintendo NES HTPC case yesterday, I stumbled across yet another interesting HTPC case mod.  This one is nothing short of eccentric and something I would never have the patience (or will) to build.  The builder calls it an 8-bit Super Mushroom HTPC Case Mod.

The build took about 50 hours and 1,500 wooden cubes to make.  Below is a picture of the HTPC during the build.

8Bit Super Mushroom HTPC Case Mod 1

The HTPC innards include:

  • ZOTAC GF9300 Mini-ITX motherboard
  • C2Q Q8200 Processor
  • 9800 Energy Efficient Video Card
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 640GB Hard Drive
  • 1 Case Fan

The finished result looks like this:

8Bit Super Mushroom HTPC Case Mod Front

Pretty cool if not eccentric!  And he even made a time-lapse video of the entire build process.

For the entire build log along with a ton of photos head over to