At the GeekTonic house we watched the US versus England match on Saturday’s World Cup broadcast and enjoyed everything about it except for the annoying Vuvuzela buzz that seems to permeate all of South Africa right now. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this “horn” instrument was a very bad idea – just look at a few comments on twitter and you’ll see many agree:
So lets say you also want to get rid of that Vuvuzela buzz, but still want to watch the World Cup games. Afterdawn has a very in-depth guide on how to do just that by filtering out four different sound frequencies using various programs. Sure it takes a little work, but it might be worth it for some peace of mind. And the process is perfectly suited for HTPC enthusiasts too.
Find out how to get rid of the Vuvuzela buzz while still watching the World Cup at Afterdawn