Sunday, July 24, 2011

GeekTonic Giveaway D-Link Media Player

Looking at this photo you’ll see a D-Link DSM-330 media player.  This poor thing has been pretty lonely in the GeekTonic laboratory collecting dust, but it works just as it did when I reviewed it a few years ago.  I’m trying to find it a new home so if you’re okay with an older device that can stream music and video to your TV – even wirelessly and you don’t mind that it will never have it’s firmware updated again I have a deal for you:
Leave a comment to this post telling me you want it.  If I get more than one taker I’ll pick randomly from the list of commenters and I’ll pay shipping.  A free media player for you.  Just comment.  I’ll choose by the end of this week so comment now if you want it.  Otherwise it’s going to a lucky co-worker.
Read the review of this media player here