The big HTPC news this week was that Boxee is adding support for an OTA & cable unencrypted USB TV Tuner. My first reaction was positive as there really aren’t many DVR options remaining for DVR/HTPC fans these days now that BeyondTV and SageTV are out of the game for new entrants. But then I realized this was only for liveTV and no DVR support.
Sorry but true DVR functionality is a necessity for my HTPC. And factor in that you can only use this for over-the-air and unencrypted cable TV. I want fully-functional DVR and the ability to tune those encrypted cable channels. Otherwise it’s not enough for 99.9% of my TV use. Yes this is welcome news because it’s better than no DVR support, but not enough in my opinion. I’m still hoping for something good coming from GoogleTV and AppleTV. Otherwise HTPC as we know it will die as Microsoft lets their MediaCenter product whither on the vine.
Read more about the coming Boxee 1.5 Update with LiveTV support at GigaOM