If you have a website or blog you know how much digg, reddit, stumbleupon and the other social networking sites can have a great impact on the number of visitors to your site. Because of this, you want to know when someone submits a story from your blog to one of these social networking sites. Here's how to monitor the major social networking sites for submitted posts from your site:
- Digg & Reddit: Was This Site submitted to Digg and/or Reddit? This Yahoo Pipe will let you know in one RSS feed called Social Site Submission Watchdog
- Del.icou.us: Monitor to see if your site was submitted to delicious using the following link: http://del.icio.us/rss/url?url=http://site.com/ and changing the "site.com" to your site's url and subscribe to the RSS feed.
- Furl: Use the Furl.com search for your site's url and subscribe to the RSS feed.
- StumbleUpon: For StumbleUpon I haven't found a good way of subscribing to an RSS feed so I use the non-official Stumbleupon Search created using Google Coop. Alternatively you could just do a google search using: "lifehacker.com site:www.stumbleupon.com" in the google search box. Just change "lifehacker.com" to your site's url.