It's Wednesday and I'm buried with work so I'll share some of the good reads I've stumbled upon over the past few days. Enjoy!
- DirecTV rolling out new HD channels - I'm growing ever so envious of those with more HD channels
- New V2 Vista Media Center Extenders launch announcement from Linksys via Chris Lanier
- More on the purchase of Sling Media by Echostar. GigaOM mentions the possibility of the new company ending up with AT&T...
- Build a Room Virtually with Scenecaster - Webware highlights a neat new service where you can build a vitual room which can then be furnished and decorated.
- Gmail Mobile Improves the Interface - Google Operating System explains the improvements to the Google Mobile Mail upgrade
- QlipBoard lets you make movies from photos - Brad at Download Squad highlights an interesting screencasting-type software
- Let Apple know that you want 3rd party apps - Digg this story if you want a real SDK from Apple for the iPhone
- Ultimate Flickr Tools, Hacks & Scripts Database - Yes, I compiled this so its a little self-promotion. Still I think it is the most comprehensive list of flickr tools, hacks and greasemonkey scripts on the net with well over 350. I will be updating it with another 100 flickr greasemonkey scripts this weekend as well.