SageTV is fixing the most complained about issue with their new SageTV HD Extender - poor IR reception from different angles. When I reviewed the extender, I noticed some line-of-sight issues, but nothing too severe. Unfortunately, many others have experienced worse line-of-sight issues and have asked for a solution for the remote control problems.
SageTV has come through in the customer-service department and has released a new front panel for their HD Extender that corrects the problems where the STX-HD100's original front panel reduced the unit's IR sensitivity for remote control. SageTV says this from the SageTV forums:
"If you have one of the original STX-HD100 units ordered in December 2007 and you would like a replacement front panel, please send an email to orders at sagetv dot com with the following information:
- Your name
- Your STX-HD100 order number
- The number of panels you would like (this cannot exceed the number of units you ordered)
Your replacement panel should be shipped to you within a week of receiving your request. The time to receive it after it is shipped depends on how far it has to travel. There is no charge for ground shipping.
Instructions for replacing the front panel are below.
This topic may be discussed here: STX-HD100 IR Receiver: info from SageTV."
To replace the panel you need to pry off the old one with a screwdriver, but it doesn't sound too difficult.
The end result looks much like the old version, but sounds like SageTV has corrected the IR issues with a simple fix of a replacement panel. And that panel will be included with future shipments of the HD extender.
Read More at the SageTV forums