Hopefully the post title expresses my wishes here, but just in case I’ll explain. GeekTonic (formerly has been going through a transition over the past years as it’s gone from a place to share my tech experiences and knowledge to a little more formal Media/Technology Blog. Lately I’ve focused a lot on Home Theater PC’s as that is one of my passions, but I wanted to get input from the readers to see what you want to see here. Take this opportunity to tell me what you think of GeekTonic, what you like and don’t like (don’t worry I’m not easily offended) what you want to see here etc.
My future plans are to continue writing about HTPC software & hardware including SageTV, Vista Media Center, BeyondTV, Media Portal, GBPVR, Meedios and Media Portal among others. In addition though I’ll continue to review and talk about gadgets related to media (and other gadgets as well), more in-depth talk, how-to’s about web applications, computers and hardware and lastly talk about the media (TV, Music, Movies etc) as well. That’s what I like and what I know so that’s what I typically write about.
One other possibility is for guest writers. If you have something you’d like to blog about, but don’t want to spend the time setting up your own, send me a note and lets see if theres something we can work out. The pay is bad (aka no pay) as this blogging thing isn’t for the money, but it’s a great way to share what you know with a larger audience.
I wanted to get your input. Want to see something in particular or even want me to focus on a different topic? I want to hear from you so post your comments below. Your comment can be a registered one or completely anonymous so don’t be shy.