Thursday, August 14, 2008

Snapstream's Rakesh Agrawal Interviewed by Mike McGuff

For those of you who are familiar with Snapstream and BeyondTV, you'll want to check out this video from MikeMcGuff's BarCamp Houston 3 TV.  The interview is of Rakesh Agrawal, the CEO of Snapstream - maker of BeyondTV and Snapstream Enterprise.

The focus of most of the conversation is on Snapstream Enterprise.  According to Agrawal in the interview,

"for the last two years as a company, we've (Snapstream) shifted our focus to solving television search problems for organizations."  

This shifted focus has transformed Snapstream Enterprise into a force in the enterprise markets filling a void for television search and archiving.  Agrawal also goes into their consumer HTPC product, BeyondTV near the end of the video.

I had the opportunity to meet with Rakesh last Fall (my interview with Agrawal can be found here) and discussed in detail the HTPC industry, BeyondTV and their Enterprise product.  I think their enterprise product is a great idea and shows how you can take a good idea and fill a need by thinking a little outside the box.

Read more about the interview at MikeMcGuff's site