The EngadgetHD podcast is one of my favorite podcasts – Ben Drawbaugh & Steve Kim cover all things HD including topics such as HD gadgets and HD content. Ben tends to throw in the occasional Media PC topic as well. This week Ben invited me to guest on the
EngadgetHD podcast this week. We talked a little about Home Theater PC’s, Tivo’s and DVR’s and several other DVR-related topics and did a run-through of the latest TV premiers (referencing my
GeekTonic TV Premier List).
I'm obviously not the best in this sort of format so be warned

, but if you're interested,
check it out at EngadgetHD. After doing this for the first time I definitely have even more respect for Ben and Steve – running a quality podcast involves a lot of work and they both do a great job. Thanks to both of them for putting up with me for almost an hour!
EngadgetHD Podcast