(To see more about the past weeks premieres: week one or week two).
This week is the calm before the storm with only a few premieres and not much in the way of new shows, but get ready for a bunch of new shows and season premieres starting next week.
Note: The complete guide to the Fall 2008 TV premieres with a free, downloadable guide is here
- The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Info)
House M.D.
- House - I'm a latecomer to this show, but this summer caught up with House DVDs from Netflix. I can't believe I missed this one - it's now a favorite in our house (pardun the pun.)
- Smallville - for those of you superhero worshipers theres always the trusty Smallville show.
NOTE: Times are EST
SUNDAY 9/14/2008
No new premieres
MONDAY 9/15/2008
No new premieres
TUESDAY 9/16/2008
Lincoln Heights (8pm on ABC Family) Season 3
House (8pm on Fox - Avail. in HD) Season 5
The Real Housewives of Atlanta (10pm on Bravo) A new reality show under the "Real Housewives of" series. Nothing worth watching here I promise.
WEDNESDAY 9/17/2008
Ultimate Fighter (10pm on SpikeTV) Season 12. Some people love this stuff.
THURSDAY 9/18/2008
Smallville (8pm on CW - Avai.l in HD) Season 8 of Smallville
Supernatural (9pm on CW - Avail. in HD) Season 4
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (10pm on FX) Season 4
FRIDAY 9/19/2008
20/20 (10pm on ABC - Avail. in HD) News for your Friday night doldrums.
SATURDAY 9/20/2008
No new premieres
UPDATE: I originally had Survivor on this week which was incorrect - I've removed it and saved it for next week on the 25th. Thanks for catching my mistake Brian!
That's all of the new premieres for this week, but be ready for next week - lots of TV talk starting then and I'll have the post up for week 4 on Sunday, September 20th.