Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Deal of the Day: Logitech 520 $47 or Logitech 360 Remote Control $70

Lots of talk about Remote Controls today.  I posted a review of the USB-UIRT for receiving the remote signals into the HTPC (free giveaways of these available if interested) and thought it would be nice to share a few remote control deals out there.

Logitech Harmony 360 Universal Remote

Logitech Harmony 360 Universal Remote
for the Xbox 360 is $70 after a $30 instant rebate & free shipping at Buy.com (affiliate)

Next up is a great deal on the Harmony 520

The Logitech Harmony 520 Universal Remote Control is $47 plus shipping at eCost.com (not an affiliate, but a great deal anyway)