Are you interested in Media Gadgets, TV Talk or just a little random small talk?
If so you can follow me on Twitter to catch my more pithy comments that I don’t have time to blog. You’ll get the normal (whatever normal is) twitter stuff mixed in, but I often twitter the "hotter" topics (I do not repeat on twitter everything I blog here) sometimes faster than you’ll see them in your RSS feed for GeekTonic.Recent discussion include SageTV, Media Center, TV Talk (shows being canceled or renewed), gadget news and yeah you'll have to put up with the occasional Big 12/SEC sports talk among other random topics. I've made a lot of friends via Twitter and gotten to to know many of my readers and the wider community so I highly recommend it.
UPDATE: If your new to twitter or even a hard-core twitter addict, I highly recommend you read this ZatzNotFunny article on "1100 word comprehensive Twitter software, tools, and etiquette post"
Here’s a screen-shot of my more recent twitter “posts”:
If you’re so inclined you can follow GeekTonic on Twitter HERE
I encourage readers of GeekTonic to comment on the posts here and I'd love to include you in the conversation at Twitter also.