If you've been sitting on the fence waiting for the SageTV's popular SageTV HD Theater, now is your time.
- $20 off SageTV HD Theater $179.95 (Normally Sells for $199.95) plus $12 shipping
- $25 off SageTV HD Theater and SageTV Media Center for Windows software $224.95 (Normally Sells for $249.95)
To get your $20 or $25 off, use coupon code "MMAD09" at Checkout. Coupon Expires April 1, 2009
I haven't seen a discount like this for anything SageTV for a very long time. A great deal!
Curious about the SageTV HD Theater? Check out the thorough GeekTonic HD Theater review
Interested in what the SageTV HTPC software can do? Read the GeekTonic Ultimate Guide to SageTV
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