GeekTonic’s Brother Affiliate Site, GeekTonic Deals has been ramping up the deal watching looking for good tech deals including stuff for your home theater, HTPC and other tech needs. Here’s a few of the recent ones from the last few days:
- Samsung 46” 1080p LCD HDTV $909 Free Shipping
- Logitech diNovo edge Bluetooth Keyboard $70
- Western Digital External Hard Drive $99.99 Free Shipping
- Seagate 2TB Hard Drive $160 With Coupon
- Cables Unlimited Wireless Speaker System $80
- Samsung 24” LCD HDTV $220
- Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City $35
- Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series Blu-ray $175
- ATX HTPC Media Center Case $50
- Refurbished Kindle 2 for $219 – with factory seal and Amazon guarantee (30 day return policy
To keep up with other media gadget deals follow or better yet, add it to your RSS Reader. I’m prepping GeekTonicDeals to follow the best deals for the coming holiday season so stay tuned.