A summary of the weeks pasts posts follows:
The Hauppauge HD-PVR device which was originally to be available by March 31st and then "April or May" and now Hauppauge sales is saying the device "should hit the market toward the end of May, early June." ...
A theory on the many mysteries of the Lost TV Show has been posted on the web that actually make some sense...
If you're a BeyondTV user you already know that it comes loaded with its own commercial detection they call SmartSkip…
If you're a TV junkie or even a casual TV watcher, you'll want to check out the TV Status Watch page. There are running updates for nearly all television shows with information on the number of episodes remaining, whether they are being renewed for next season and when the next episode airs. Also included are updates on the Last Spring 2008 and Summer 2008 premiers…
I thought I'd follow up on the all-day Netflix Outage I reported on Monday . Because I was one of those whose movie delivery was affected by the outage, Netflix sent me a nice e-mail apologizing and giving me a 5% credit for my inconvenience...
Do you use Comskip for your Home Theater PC commercial skipping ? If so, be sure to check out the latest updates to comskip…
Nielsen Media Research has an amazing chart showing the plummeting ratings for the evening news viewership. This won't come as a surprise to many of us, but fewer and fewer people are watching the Network News...
Its become obvious to the Television Networks and the Advertisers who pay the Networks bills that DVRs are having an impact on their business. The big question has been what kind of impact? …
One of my favorite Home Theater PC software programs is SageTV . SageTV turns your PC into a souped-up TIVO that can do DVR functions, movies, music and so much more…