SiliconDust HDHomeRun Dual QAM Tuner $138.99 with free shipping at Newegg (affiliate). Add the HDHR to your shopping cart and enter promo code EMCBABEDC which lowers the price from $168.99 to $138.99
The HDHomeRun works with the following Software:
- Windows Media Center:
- MCE 2005 32-bit
- MCE 2005 64-bit
- Vista MCE 32-bit
- Vista MCE 64-bit
- SageTV - HTPC software for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Home Server, Mac & Linux
- SnapStream BeyondTV - DVR for Windows
- Elgato EyeTV - DVR for Mac
- MythTV - DVR for Linux
- MediaPortal - DVR for Windows
- GB-PVR - DVR for Windows
- VLC - Multi-platform media viewer
- TSReader - MPEG-2 transport stream analysis
If you want to research the HDHR a little more before buying check out my review of the device from last year