Thursday, February 26, 2009

Demonstration of the Kindle 2 Text-to-Speech Feature

We're still delving into my new Kindle2 to provide a full-blown, detailed review of the device, but I've had several people ask me about the text-to-speech feature on the Kindle 2.

Since there's really no better way of sharing with everyone how the Kindle2 text-to-speech feature works, I thought I'd show you with a video.


Female Voice

First up is the Kindle 2 reading the Wall Street Journal to me using the "female" voice:


Male Voice

Next we have the Kindle 2 reading the WSJ using the Male Voice - and I demonstrate how to switch between the two included "voices":


So what do you think?  Obviously, this is not Jim Dale (Narrated the Harry Potter books), but it's not too shabby either.  My wife and I decided this is actually a feature we would use, but only for playback in the car on the way to work - possibly a newspaper, magazine or blog when we couldn't actually read at the time.  The voices are much better than we expected, but still a bit like a robot that messes up the intonation and emphasis of words and sentences fairly often. 

For more Kindle 2 coverage stay tuned to GeekTonic.  Also check out the following at GeekTonic:



What do you think - would you use the text-to-speech feature if you had a Kindle2?