A post by the main developer at SiliconDust confirms that SiliconDust, the makers of the awesome HDHomeRun Dual-QAM/OTA HD tuner is developing a DVB version of their tuner. This is especially important to the non-US TV viewers as Europe and many other non-US countries use DVB as their digital television standard. Included in the SiliconDust tuner will be support for DVB-C (digital cable) and DVB-T (Terrestrial broadcast). Without a DVB tuner, many in Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa cannot tune to the majority of television channels.
According to Nick at SiliconDust, MCE & MythTV support have been confirmed with Mac & other Windows DVR software packages support still to be determined. He did mention that they will be talking with Snapstream as part of the development process for support for BeyondTV. Because the process they are using to make the new tuner work with Windows is via standard Windows BDA drivers, it is expected that most of the Windows DVR software programs will eventually work with the tuner.
This is especially good news for Snapstream's BeyondTV as the BeyondTV software currently has no support for DVB tuners.
Source: SiliconDust Forums
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