Sunday, October 14, 2007

Week In Review: Week Ended October 14th

Here is a complete review of the past weeks post.  More to come this week with some Tech News, How-to's and other good stuff for you.  Don't miss another post - Subscribe in an RSS feed reader or subscribe by e-mail

  • Prove Your a Star Wars Geek - Make Your Own Lightsaber

    saber3 Are you a Star Wars fan?  Have kids that love to act out the lightsaber fights from the movies?  Or possibly it's you who secretly wants your own lightsaber...  Well the finkbuilt blog has an excellent how-to on making your own authentic lightsaber of your very own.     A quote from the…

  • Weekend Project: Find Worthy Nintendo Wii Games

    This past Summer I scoured the internet for ways to find a Wii Console.  They were never available in my city when I looked for them.  In the end, I found them using a little trick I discovered using a back door website for Gamestop - I'll get to that later.  Anyway, here I am many months…

  • Verify any Email Address and Help out Spammers???

    Over at digg , I saw this entry for a site where you can verify any e-mail address by typing it in their form and clicking go.  The result tells you whether the e-mail is valid or not.  Well at first glance I thought this might be a really useful site, but after I think about it some more, I worry…

  • Free Printable Maps You Can Customize

    Need a quick, free printable map - perhaps your a teacher or just learning your geography?  Well I have a great solution for you.  This site has several types of maps including world maps, Asia, Americas, Africa and Oceania.  All of the maps are printable and can also be downloaded in an Adobe…

  • Make Your Own DVD Box Sets With Your HTPC

    Here's a great idea for those of you lucky enough to own a Home Theater PC:  Make your own DVD Box Set of TV shows or movies for that matter. Why make your own sets?  Zack outlines two great reasons and I've added the last two :) 1. Cost 2. Don't have to wait for them to be released to…

  • Music Industry Collapse Part 2 - Madonna

    The Wall Street Journal is reporting that pop diva Madonna is close to leaving her record company contract (after one more album due to Warner Music) for a $120 million deal with concert-promotion giant Live Nation Inc.     The 10-year contract with Live Nation, gives Madonna money & stock…

  • This Halloween Don't Just Scare Them... Shock Them

    doorbell It's getting close.  Halloween is just around the corner and you're probably trying to decide how to scare your victim trick-or-treaters this year.  Well T3Hprogrammer has come up with a frightening way to send a little shock. T3Hprogrammer says: I'm always looking for a new way to…


  • Awesome Studs & Spikes DIY Digital Picture Frame

    If you've been following this blog for a while you know I'm a big fan of DIY digital photo frames.  While browsing flickr, I found a very different, yet nicely done digital picture frame made by ragordon65.  He had built several different DPF's all with different appearances.  This…

  • CBS Outlines Their Plans For Season 2 of Jericho TV Show

    One of the most searched for phrases at this blog is "When will Jericho Season 2 Start?"  And I decided to at least give as much detail to that answer as I can.  So far, there isn't a solid start date other than to say that it is a Mid-Season replacement and its premier date depends…

  • The Music Industry Hasn't Died, It's Just Eliminating the Middle Man

    The TimesOnline had an article in the Sunday Times titled " The Day The Music Industry Died " that along with several  similar articles has hit the Internet by storm.  The article proclaims that the music industry is practically finished based on major bands Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails…

  • Catch All Heroes & The Office Episodes For Free with Netflix Watch Instantly

    The third episode of Heroes Season 2 is airing tonight and I've watched all of them enjoying each episode.  I like Heroes as much as I like Jericho.  If you one of the few people who never started watching Heroes you now have a way to catch up with the current season.  To do this look no…

  • DVB version of the HDHomeRun Coming - Support For MCE & MythTV Confirmed

    A post by the main developer at SiliconDust confirms that SiliconDust, the makers of the awesome HDHomeRun Dual-QAM/OTA HD tuner is developing a DVB version of their tuner.  This is especially important to the non-US TV viewers as Europe and many other non-US countries use DVB as their digital…