Are you a fan of The Amazing Race Reality TV Show? Here's a few ways to follow along, learn more about the show and locations visited by the contestants and gather with other fans of the show.
Amazing Race 12 Map - This is a google map I created with highlights & track of all the locations the contestants travel to. It also includes the rumored locations for all legs of the race. During each episode I'll be adding extra content/detail to the maps to make it as accurate as possible.
Amazing Race Facebook App - This Amazing Race page includes maps, trivia, a travel log and a virtual competition with past Race winners. Users are also be offered a chance to win a trip for two anywhere in the world as an incentive to visit the page.
Amazing Race Spoilers - The best place to find out what's going to happen on The Amazing Race before it airs.
Fantasy Amazing Race - Want a little extra incentive to pay attention to the show? Play the Fantasy Amazing Race game at the TVGasm forums (no prizes here just for fun) where you answer several questions before each show and you get points for each correct answer. Cumulative points make the game interesting and fun.
Rank the Amazing Racers - Each episode you rank the contestants and compare your score to others.
Reality Fan Forum - One of the more popular forums for Amazing Race and other Reality TV shows.
Television Without Pity Amazing Race Forums - Another forum all about the Amazing Race Show
Reality TV World - Another forum, this one with a fans forum, bashers forum and a spoiler/speculation forum
Reality TV Talk - Yep, another forum about the Amazing Race show.