Saturday, November 17, 2007

Week In Review: Week Ended November 17th

Here's a quick recap of this weeks posts:


  • College Football Bowl Geek - Bowl Schedule, Teams and Google Map Mashup

    7Time for the weekend again and for some of us, our attention turns to college football.  Are you a sports fan?  Possibly a football fan interested in college football?  If so, you'll undoubtedly be watching the next few weeks as the top college football teams fight over who gets to play in a…

  • Home Theater PC Roundup - From Around the Web

    Comcast Raises Fees On Non-Comcast DVR Owners - Davis Freeburg talks about Comcast's "Non-DVR tax" that they impose on those that don't rent Comcast DVR's. I'm on Time Warner and have noticed a similar trend although not as bad. One of the big things I hate about Time…

  • Writers Strike Update: Ultimate Guide To How the Strike Will Affect TV Shows

    If you're wondering how many episodes your TV show has remaining to air or wondering how the writers strike is affecting upcoming shows, be sure to check out this post...  I'm updating it daily

  • AllofMP3 for Movies: ZML

    You may have heard of the extremely popular, but thorn-in-the-side for the music industry -  Well after selling non-DRM'd mp3's to the masses for dirt cheap (they didn't pay royalties for the music so were pretty much illegal) and eventually getting shut down the Russians…

  • Amazing Race Extras on the Net

    Are you a fan of The Amazing Race Reality TV Show ?  Here's a few ways to follow along, learn more about the show and locations visited by the contestants and gather with other fans of the show.     Amazing Race 12 Map - This is a google map I created with highlights & track of all the…