Do you use Comskip for your Home Theater PC commercial skipping? If so, be sure to check out the latest updates to comskip. Erik, the developer of comskip has been busy making the comskip program even better - so don't forget to give your thank-you by donating.
Comskip version 0.79.125 - 0.79.114 Includes:
- HDHomeRun tuner improvement - set max_repair_size=0 for HDHomerun recordings.
- HDHomeRun tuner improvement - when a HDHomeRun recording has a track that doesn't include sound, after 50 frames another track is automatically selected.
- High Speed Comskip for HD frames only by setting skip_b_frames=2 (donators only version)
- High Speed Comskip for both SD & HD frames only by setting skip_b_frames=1 (donators only version)
- More efficient transcoding or automatic aspect ration switching during playback - Adding output_aspect=1 to you ini file will instruct comskip to generate a .aspects file. This file lists the input resolution and aspect ratio changes.
- Detection of resolution change for digital recording changes - RESOLUTION_CHANGE (detect_method 8), replaces the unused FUZZY_LOGIC (which is always on). Resolution_change will insert a hard cutpoint when the resolution of a digital recording changes.
- Improved accuracy during reviewing of cutpoints. Comskip could be up
to 15 frames off during preview. - Option for extra speed on HD logo scanning (makes logo detection slightly less effective) - Added ini parameter: edge_step=1 Set to 2
- Default comskip.ini file has now output_edl=1 to ensure correct
skipping in SageTV and GBPVR - Various other bug fixes
If you use Comskip, don't wait. Head over to the comskip page to download and install your updates.
If you're new to commercial skipping on Home Theater PC software such as SageTV, Windows MediaCenter, GBPVR or Media Portal read: Skip Commercials With The Press of a Button