Tuesday, December 02, 2008

BeyondTV Externinator Plugin Updated to 1.7

If you are a heavy-duty BeyondTV user you probably already know about a little plugin for BeyondTV called "BTV Externinator."  This plugin takes the popular BeyondTV PVR software and adds several amazing features to BeyondTV.  This past week, BTV Externinator (BTVE for short) was updated to version 1.70 which requires BeyondTV 4.8.

The goal of BTV-Externinator is to perform recordings, using capture devices not currently supported by Beyond TV (i.e. Firewire, DVB, unencrypted QAM, etc.).  For instance, I used this plugin with BeyondTV before the SiliconDust HDHR was officially supported.  The addon acts as a bridge between BTV's powerful scheduling and an external application, which knows how to perform recordings with that unsupported capture device (i.e. VLC, ProgDVB, FusionHDTV, etc.)  This add-in is free donationware coded by the long-time BeyondTV user Fonceur

Read more at the Snapstream Forums here and here.  Also the BTV Externinator Website