Tuesday, December 02, 2008

SageTV HD200 Theater Already Out of Stock

Remember that new SageTV HD Theater we just told you about earlier this week - you know the one that can act as a faster HD Extender for SageTV as well as a standalone media player that gives you access to all of your network media, YouTube and Google Video?  Well if you weren't quick, you missed out for the moment cause it's already out of stock!

Here's a screen-shot of the "out-of-stock" notice at the SageTV Store:
HD200 Out of Stock2
The good news is that SageTV is projecting to have more in stock by 12/15 and will be taking preorders beginning 12/12.  So if you want one before Christmas you better plan to stop by the SageTV store on December 12th - the HD100s and now HD200s seem to sell like hotcakes and its obvious SageTV orders in relatively small batches so you've been warned.

SageTV Store HD200 Theater Sold Out Announcement