The hot Dell.com deal for $183.99 Hauppauge HD-PVRs went back up to over $200 dollars a few days after I posted it last time, but the deal is now back at Dell Home with a coupon!
Dell Home is listing the price as $229.99, but with Coupon code "5MNL7?12RHRDD6" it drops to $183.99 with free shipping!
If you want to time-shift or record your HD content to your HTPC without DRM Or you are in the market for one of those awesome Hauppauge HD-PVR 1212 devices (read my first impressions on the device here) that let you record any content (HD, SD, digital etc) from your cable box, satellite box or any other device with a component cable output - Dell(affiliate) has the best deal I've seen on these so far with the HD-PVR for $183.99 including shipping!
Hauppauge Computer HD PVR High Definition Personal Video Recorder $183.99 with Free Shipping!
This is an awesome deal. If you've been waiting for an Hauppauge HD-PVR, this is the time to buy!